ATELIER MATIC | アトリエマティック

企画展 石をみる


東京・元浅草のinterior shop ROUNDROBINにて行われた企画展「石をみる」。澤田航(ROUNDROBIN)、 滝沢時雄(山と猫)、柴山修平(Zelt)と共にAteliermaticの外山も参加し、4名で企画された石の展示。企画と共にAtelier maticはイベ ント空間の構成も担った。

The exhibition “ISHI wo MIRU ” was held at the interior shop ROUNDROBIN in Motoasakusa, Tokyo. This exhibition was organized by four people: Wataru Sawada (ROUNDROBIN), Tokio Takizawa (Yama to Neko), Shuhei Shibayama (Zelt), and Sho Sotoyama of Ateliermatic.  Ateliermatic was in charge of the event space as well as the planning.


Artists selected by selectors Mr. Sawada and Mr. Takizawa. These are people who create stone-related works on a daily basis. Some artists use stones themselves, while others use ceramics, wood, textiles, and other materials to express themselves on stones. A total of 22 artists’ works are gathered in this exhibition. The exhibition space was carefully created with care and attention to layout and depth so that each artist’s work would stand out, and to the compatibility and balance of adjacent artists’ works and those of other artists in the background.



The following is the work of Zelt Shibayama, who was in charge of zine design this time. As he has a bookstore in Adachi-ku, Tokyo, he also selected books related to stones for the main store, which added depth to the exhibition. A zine was published in conjunction with the exhibition. The cover is an ink painting by Hibi Ito, also a Zelt artist. The zine was very readable, including a dialogue between the four planners, photographs of the exhibiting artists’ works, and a column about stones. A limited number of copies will be available for sale after the exhibition.

Atelier maticとしても、石に関連する作品を出品。鉱物の照明や、アクリルに石を閉じ込めた作品などもあれば、人工的に作り出した石の作品も。また会場を構成する中で販売を目的としない余白的作品、実験的な作品があってもいいだろうと思い、壁づけの石棚を制作。本棚があるなら石棚も。というコンセプト。この石棚は今後更なる展開に我ながら期待したい。

Atelier matic also exhibited stone-related works. There were mineral lights, acrylic works with stones encapsulated in them, and artificially created stone works. In addition, we created a wall-mounted stone shelf, as we thought it would be nice to have some marginal or experimental works that are not for sale in the exhibition space. If there are bookshelves, there should also be stone shelves. This is the concept. I have high expectations for further development of this stone shelf in the future.


This event was held over a two-day weekend, and the opening event was a masonry workshop by Takeji Kubota, a leading expert in rock balancing. There are tricks and logic to rock balancing, and with this knowledge, participants practiced rock balancing. Although it is a genre of art that cannot be taken home or broken down, all participants were captivated by this highly satisfying workshop.

ZINE 柴山修平(Zelt)
澤田航(ROUNDROBIN) 滝沢時雄(山と猫) 柴山修平(Zelt)
キービジュアル 伊藤眸(Zelt)